The Rest of the Chicken

I was much more organized with my canning this morning and got the chicken cooked and put in the jars fairly early. I did the chicken first but it only made 8 jars so I added two jars of stock to fill the canner. Later I did a load with the rest of the stock.

While the canner was going, I got outside and planted some flowers. I had some marigolds and petunias that needed planting. 

There are rocks and thorny twigs in this last one to try to keep the cats from laying in it. It also has some coleus that I started in the house under the grow lights.

Later I went out to put bird seed in one of the feeders and heard lots of baby cheeping from the bird house. I have never really seen any birds use it. I pulled up a yard chair and sat there forever with my camera until I saw that it was a tufted titmouse nest. We have a lot of those here. I hope they are successful in keeping their babies and that none of my stupid cats get any.

Anyway, it’s been a pretty good day. Back to work tomorrow….unfortunately…but at least we are still working.

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