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  1. 3

    I carried a .357 S&W for 28 years and have carried a Glock 9mm for the last 4 years (DOD Security, Aviation Plant). I’ve trained young men and women since 1983. Growing up “on the farm” with guns I took a lot for granted. A good info vid, like this one is priceless for people new to firearms. I’ve seen armed guys who’ve been on the job for years that could learn from this simply because they never “thought about it”. I know a couple people I’m forwarding this? to! Thanks.

  2. 7

    Does anyone know of a DA/SA revolver that looks just like a SA revolver? I LOVE the look? of a good old SA revolver. I heard someone had a DA/SA Ruger Vaquero, but i cant find anything about it….

  3. 11

    Why go to school and learned about guns? Mr.Hickok giving? us a treat no other channel could do on youtube. Peace and love to all.

  4. 12

    Why go to school and learned about guns? Mr.Hickok giving? us a treat no other channel could do on youtube. Peace and love to all.

  5. 13

    Hey Hickok, you look like like your shootin in my back yard? That would be a Tennessee neighborhood. Although I know you CAN’T live that close to me, because I’m the ONLY one in my? hood makin as much noise as you do. LOL! Ya’ll ever get close to Cookville, ya can come shoot at my place, although my yard don’t come a lick as close to yours, rich in creative targets. Although bowling pins, pumpkins, and water jugs are among my favorites! LOL!

  6. 16

    I thought double actions mean that when you pull the trigger there’s a cocking and? then the boom, two actions in one pull???

  7. 21

    Never heard of it before, I’ll assume there isn’t. I don’t see where the need for a thrird action would come from, sinse double? action in revolvers already covers everything that happens.

  8. 24

    I give? you a lot of credit . Your videos are very informative. You really push safety and that is very important. I live in Canada and I’m quite sure I can’t buy any of those guns. But I still like watching your videos. How many handguns to you own ?? Keep the videos coming , they are very well done. With your knowledge I could easily select the right gun , if I lived in the U.S.

  9. 25

    Never apologize for stressing safety at ANY? time you touch a firearm. Great vid for anyone just entering the shooting world.

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