Turkey Demands “Coercive Measures” Against Israel, Calls For Use Of Force By An “Alliance Of Humanity”

Don’t be fooled by Turkish President Erdogan invoking “humanity” to force an end to Israel’s war with Hamas and Hezbollah. In the Islamic mindset, the best of “humanity” are only those who march under the banner of Islam. Erdogan is once again calling for an Islamic alliance. Meanwhile, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reiterates his call for Islamic countries to “unite against Israel” in order “to confront external threats.” Peace and safety, they all believe, can only be realized with the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. Unite they soon will. “Coercive measures” they will soon take against Jerusalem. And it will all end in their own sudden destruction …

See: What Is Ezekiel 38-39’s War Of Gog-Magog?
See: Iranian President: Hezbollah ‘Cannot Stand Alone’ Against Israel
See: UN Invokes Article 99 Of UN Charter, Calls Israel ‘Threat To International Peace & Security’
See: Diplomatic Terrorism: UNGA Votes To Strip Israel’s Right To Self Defense Against Genocide, Demands Israel Leave Gaza & West Bank Within One Year

The Jerusalem Post – “President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed the United Nations on Tuesday morning in his remarks to the General Assembly for allowing international justice to be left to the five members of the security council, saying the war in Gaza is the most dramatic example.

Erdogan also slammed Israel’s allies for supporting the country in an ‘unconditional manner.’

‘How long are you going to be able to carry the shame of witnessing this massacre, dear friends, while children are dying in Gaza, in Ramallah, in Lebanon, while babies are dying in incubators?’ Erdogan said.

Erdogan said the only reason for Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people is the unconditional support of a group of countries.

Countries that have a say over Israel are openly complicit in this massacre, he said, and those who are supposedly working for a ceasefire in front of the stage continue to send arms and ammunition to Israel so that it can continue its massacres in the background.

‘I would like to wave at my brothers and sisters at the legitimate resistance in Palestine,’ he said.

Turkey supports South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice to ensure that Israel’s crimes do not go unpunished,’ he said.

‘We will take every step necessary for justice to be served in the case for which we have applied,’ Erdogan said. ‘Those who murdered 41,000 people cannot rest until those who gave the orders pulled the trigger and dropped the bombs are held accountable for their crimes, we will not heave a sigh of relief.’

Erdogan called for coercive measures against Israel in the absence of the implementation of UN Security Council resolution number 2735, the ceasefire proposal announced in May by President Biden, as he said Israel’s behavior has once again demonstrated that it is ‘imperative for the international community to develop a protection mechanism for Palestinians.’

‘Seventy years ago, just as Hitler was stopped by an alliance of humanity, Netanyahu and his murder network must be stopped by an alliance of humanity,’ Erdogan said.” Read more.

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