UK: London Council CANCELS Chanukah Over Concerns They May Hurt Muslim Feelings

> Radical Islam > UK: London Council CANCELS Chanukah Over Concerns They May Hurt Muslim Feelings

UK: London Council CANCELS Chanukah Over Concerns They May Hurt Muslim Feelings

Maybe London received a call from concerned citizen Sheik Scrooge politely demanding the city to offend Jews and all others who embrace freedom instead of offending, um, high-energy Islamofascists. Will London also cancel Ramadan and Eid al-Adha out of a “grave concern” of offending peaceful non-Islamofascists? Don’t count on it …

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Jewish News – “A London council has decided not to allow a chanukiah to be erected outside its town hall to commemorate the full eight days of Chanukah over fears it could inflame tensions between local communities.

Jewish News understands the leader of Havering Council in East London made the ‘highly sensitive’ decision not to allow the installation due to the increase in hate crime in the borough following the 7 October Hamas terror attacks.

Instead, the council has recommended ‘a temporary installation’ along with an ‘event to celebrate the beginning of Chanukah’.

It is understood that local Chabad Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin had committed to lighting the menorah, while there was also a reception planned at Romford Synagogue on 12 December.

Local Romford MP Andrew Rosindell had written to Havering Council leader Ray Morgon expressing ‘grave concern’ over any move to halt the Chanukah celebration. In a letter seen by Jewish News, he adds: ‘Should this be true it would be a grave insult to Jewish communities in Romford.’” Read more.

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