“Uncontrollable Consequences”: Iran Threatens America, “They Will Not Be Spared From This Fire”

> Radical Islam, Theology and Eschatology, Wars and Rumors of War > “Uncontrollable Consequences”: Iran Threatens America, “They Will Not Be Spared From This Fire”

“Uncontrollable Consequences”: Iran Threatens America, “They Will Not Be Spared From This Fire”

More fire and smoke and brimstone from the mouths of those who follow the Beast. Something tells me that their newfound boldness is a tacit admission that they’ve now achieved nuclear capability

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The Hill – “The Iranian foreign minister warned of ‘uncontrollable consequences’ for the U.S. if its backing of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza continues to expand.

“I say frankly to the American statemen who are now managing the genocide in Palestine that we do not welcome the expansion of the war in the region,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said in a United Nations address. ‘But I warn, if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire. It is our home and West Asia is our region.’ …

Iran has long been an ally of Hamas, supplying it with money, military training and weapons. The militant group is considered a terrorist organization in the U.S. and European Union…” Read more.

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