Unprecedented: Israel To Bury Hundreds Of Cars With Ashes And Blood Stains “To Preserve The Sanctity Of The Deceased”

> Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Unprecedented: Israel To Bury Hundreds Of Cars With Ashes And Blood Stains “To Preserve The Sanctity Of The Deceased”

Unprecedented: Israel To Bury Hundreds Of Cars With Ashes And Blood Stains “To Preserve The Sanctity Of The Deceased”

This unprecedented decision underscores the massive scale and the heinous nature of the slaughter that was inflicted upon Israel on Saturday, October 7th, 2023. I cannot help but think how, as a young child growing up, Black Sabbath was a famous rock band. Today, it is a date that will forever live in infamy …

JPost – “To preserve the sanctity of those murdered by Hamas, for the first time since the establishment of the state, they decided to bury the vehicles.

Due to the lack of body parts or remains of many of those killed in the October 7 Hamas massacre, the ZAKA has recommended burying the cars of those who were killed in them.

ZAKA Tel Aviv is the emergency response unit of central Israel, serving in over 21 cities across the country with thousands of volunteers, and is recognized as a civil extension of Israel’s emergency services and the only emergency response unit authorized to operate in central Israel. One of the organization’s units is dedicated to ensuring ‘dignity in death,’ particularly in situations of sudden or unexpected loss.

N12 reported on Tuesday that the organization, after intense and distressing efforts, concluded that they could not locate or clean all the remains of the victims inside the vehicles in which they were slaughtered.

Some of the cars have blood stains or ashes that are difficult to collect for various technical reasons that have to do with the way these individuals were killed.

In order to preserve the sanctity of the deceased they decided to bury the vehicles. According to the report, ‘After consulting with the Military Rabbinate and the Chief Rabbinate, hundreds of vehicles will be buried in the coming few days in Jewish cemeteries across Israel.’” Read more.

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