US Official Admits Strikes Against Houthis Ineffective As Houthis Hit American Cargo Ship For First Time

“[We] don’t believe we have set back their military efforts substantially.” It doesn’t take a military expert to figure that out. If Israel’s war against Hamas is any indication, the only way to seriously deteriorate or eliminate the capabilities of terrorists that are dug in and hunkered down is to take them seriously and respond in kind with a prolonged air campaign to soften underground facilities, target their leadership, followed by a ground invasion to root them out for elimination. But failure to defeat terrorists only serves to reinforce the Islamist mindset that “if Allah helps you, then none can fight against you.” If America, arguably the most powerful nation on earth, has neither the willpower nor the resolve to do what truly needs to be done to fully eliminate just one tentacle of this Islamic beast, then who will?

CNN – “Last week’s US-led airstrikes on Houthi rebel targets in Yemen destroyed less than a third of the Iranian proxy group’s overall offensive capabilities, a US official told CNN, with the group maintaining the majority of its ability to strike ships in the Red Sea.

Despite a barrage of strikes last week, including 150 precision-guided munitions fired at nearly 30 sites, the Houthis still have about three-quarters of their ability to target commercial vessels in international shipping lanes in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the official added.

That was apparent Monday, when a Houthi missile hit a US-owned cargo ship in the Red Sea, marking what appears to be the first time the militants have successfully struck a US-owned or operated ship.

Last week’s airstrike was a success as designed – the US destroyed or damaged 93% of the targets it had selected – but some US officials privately acknowledged that it did little to set back the Houthis’ ability to continue striking international shipping.

‘Message received and some degradation but we expect a response and don’t believe we have set back their military efforts substantially,’ one senior US official said of the strikes.

The limited scope of last week’s operation illustrates the tightrope the Biden administration is walking in the Middle East …” Read more.

Report: Houthi Capabilities Dented But Largely Left Intact After US-Led Strikes – “US officials tell New York Times analysts are struggling to find targets to strike, with Yemeni rebels having hidden much of their weaponry and still able to threaten shipping… Ahead of the attacks, Houthis moved or hid much of their offensive capabilities, which are largely mounted on mobile carriers… White House spokesperson John Kirby said the initial strikes had hit the Houthis’ ability to store, launch and guide missiles or drones.” Read more.

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