Video: California Imam Laments Not Being Chosen For Death And Martyrdom Like The “Blessed” Palestinians

He longs to be “close” to “Allah” and breaks down in tears because “Allah” chose the Palestinians and not him. But he has absolutely no idea what follows the Islamist desire of death by martyrdom. Yes, they will forever be with “Allah” and his “prophet.” But there will be no black-eyed virgins for them to enjoy. There will be no rivers of Halal wine. There will be no joy and endless carnal delight. No, in this “paradise” there will only be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 22:13) …

See: Hamas: Killing Jews Is Worship That Draws Us Close To Allah
See: Terrorist: Rape Is An Act Of Worship That Draws Us Closer To Allah
See: The ‘Prophet’s’ Teachings Are The Fire With Which ‘We Harvest The Skulls Of The Jews’; ‘We Move Closer To Allah Through Blood, Body Parts, And Martyrs’

Imam Mohammad Ahmed 12/22/2023 Sermon in Torrance CA: “How come Allah chose those Palestinian Muslims to be closer to him? What have we done wrong to be so far from Allah? What have we done wrong to not be martyrs for the sake of Allah? What have we done wrong to not be blessed like the people in Palestine have been blessed? What have we done wrong for our mothers to not be like the mothers of the martyrs is Palestine? What have we done wrong for our men not to be among those resisting in Palestine? What have we done wrong for us not to be chosen for that perfect picture that the Palestinians have drawn today? That perfect picture of faith in Allah, that perfect picture’s trace, that perfect picture of belief. They were chosen for this picture… They were chosen for this. This is not our choice, it is the choice of Allah, and He chose them to be the best people living on the face of the earth nowadays. He did not choose us.” Watch the video.

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