Video game / illiteracy doom: so_very_doomed — LiveJournal

The next generation of video game consoles is about to come out in a few months, and with them a new level of virtual immersion and addiction will be reached. People called WoW “World of Warcrack” because it was so addictive. Now, imagine World of Warcrack type games with 10x the graphics and how much MORE addictive they will be.

Will this new generation of kids ever bother to read books? Why would they when they can go into such fantastic virtual worlds?

And it’s not just the consoles, it’s the all-pervasive internet and cell phones, so many digital distractions and addictions to fall into.
Why would they read when they have all that?

Perhaps this is why so many of the bookstore chains have closed, so that Barnes and Noble is the only one left, and even B&N are doing bad and having to close stores over the next few years. Also the public libraries are cutting hours and some of them are closing too.

I recently say this viral video about people who made a giant domino chain of books.

I think this video says it all. Instead of being interested in reading books, people now find much more amusement in making toys out of them. Their attention spans have been eroded by their cell phones, social media, internet, and video games, so that the only use they have for books now is to make dominoes out of, or build forts out of, or play catch with, etc.

Perhaps if someone can make a car engine that runs by burning all these old books that no one reads anymore it can be a potential solution to our energy problems,

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